Macrocarpa Firewood

Macrocarpa Firewood

Macrocarpa is a medium-density wood so will burn slower, contain more energy to last, with a high heat output.

Trailer hire

We have a 3 Cubic Metre and 4 Cubic Metre Trailer you can hire for FREE. This must be booked in Advance. Once order is placed. We will contact you. 



No need to book, come in between business hours and we will load that one up for you. Please show receipt upon arrival.

Firewood sizes. 

We use a machine to process our firewood. We do not hand load. This means we provide a variety of sizes, we try our best to keep sizing consistent but there will be not so great sizes, skinny or chunky, long, and short. These can be great for Kindling and chunky bits are great for keeping the fire going for longer. We do screen our wood, but there will always be not-so-great bits. You are not getting less firewood if this happens. This just means the gaps are getting filled between the larger bits we provide. great to chuck on top of gardens as it is all untreated.

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